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International Reports and India's Rank in various indexes 2019-20

India’s HDI ranking in 2019 is 129 that is one rank better than last year. There are a total of 189 countries participated in this rank. Top HDI rank is occupied by Norway while Burundi is at the bottom in 2019 report. Read this article to know more International Reports and India's Rank in various Indexes.

There are many international reports and Indexes that are released every year to differentiate the countries on the basis of their health, education, women empowerment, trade, and business etc. In this article, we have published the reports of some famous international institutions like the World Bank, IMF, and the World Economic Forum.
1.The Human Development Index (HDI) Rank
The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite index of some parameters to know human development around the world. This index uses three parameters to rank the country's human development. These parameters are;
i. Life Expectancy Index
ii. Education Index: It includes a. Mean Years of Schooling Index b. Expected Years of Schooling Index
iii. Standard of living 
HDI was developed by Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq and later on helped by the Indian economist Amartya Sen.
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) releases the HDI report every year.
The latest HDI report 2020 was released by the UNDP in on 24th October 2019. The title of this latest report was “Beyond income, Beyond averages, Beyond Today: Inequalities in Human Development in the 21st Century”
Indian HDI Rank in 2019: 129 (one rank better than last year)
Total countries participated; 189
Top Position: Norway
Bottom: Burundi
Note: The Human Development Report introduced an Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI) in 2010. In 2019, the IHDI rank of India is 130.
2.Global Talent Competitive Index (GTCI) 2020
This index is released by the Business school INSEAD in collaboration with Addeco and Google. 
This year this report is based on the Global Talent in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.
Indian Rank: 72
Total participating countries:132
Top Country: Switzerland
3. Ease of Doing Business Rank:-
This report is published by the World Bank every year. It was started in 2002. This report basically says, how easily a business can be started in a country? If a country has many obstacles like red-tapism and approval formalities then ranking of that country will be low for sure.
India is doing very well in this ranking. Indian Rank is 63rd in 2019 which is the improvement of the 14th places from the last year’s ranking.
Since 2017 till 2020, New Zealand is on the top position and Singapore is on the second spot for the same period.
4. Global Competitive Report 2019
This report is released by the World Economic Forum every year. In the Competitive Report 2019 India slipped down to 10 places and ranked at 68th position. Singapore topped the index followed by the USA and Hong Kong.
This report was first published in 2004. There are 141 countries that participated in 2019’s ranking.
The report has twelve pillars of competitiveness; their names are as follows;
1. Higher education and training
2. Good health and primary education
3. Innovation
4. Appropriate infrastructure
5. Production of new goods using the most sophisticated production processes
6. Ability to harness existing technology
8. Stable macroeconomic framework
9. Efficient goods markets
10.Efficient labor markets
11. Developed financial markets
12. Market size—both domestic and international
5. Global Gender Gap Report 2020
The Global Gender Gap Index is an index designed to measure gender equality in the country.The Global Gender Gap Report was first published in 2006. The 2020 report (published in 2019) is based on 153 countries. 
This report is published by the World Economic Forum every year.Its benchmark includes four dimensions;
1.Political empowerment
2.Economic participation and opportunity
3.Educational attainment
4. Health and survival
Indian rank: 112 (4 places down from the previous year). India is behind the neighbouring country like; China, Nepal, Srilanka, and Bangladesh. Iceland (first rank) is the most gender-neutral country while Yemen is the least.
6. World Economic Outlook
This report is released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This report is based on the IMF's projection on the performance of the global economy. World Economic Outlook report of April 2020 says that the global economy is projected to contract 3% in 2020.
IMF projected that the Indian economy will grow at the rate of 1.9% in 2020 while in 2021 this rate would be 7.4%. Indian origin Gita Gopinath is the Chief Economist at the IMF.
So these were some important reports published by the top Institutions of the world. These reports and rankings are very important for various competitive exams.


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