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Rural Development Programmes

The term rural is relating to, or characteristic of the countryside rather than the town. Rural Development is the process of improving the quality of life and economic well-being of people living in rural areas, often relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas. Here, we are giving the list of Rural Development Programmes in India that gives extracted revision capsule for the aspirants of different examinations and also for the general readers.

The term rural is relating to, or characteristic of the countryside rather than the town. Rural Development is the process of improving the quality of life and economic well-being of people living in rural areas, often relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas. Here, we are giving the list of Rural Development Programmes in India that gives extracted revision capsule for the aspirants of different examinations and also for the general readers.
List of Rural Development Programmes in India
Rural Development Programme
Year of Beginning
 Community Development Programme (CDP)
Over-all development of rural areas with people's participation. 
 Rural Electrification Corporation
Electrification in rural areas 
 Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme(ARWSP)
For providing drinking water in villages 
 Crash Scheme for Rural Employment
For rural employment 
Draught Prone Areas Programme (DPAP)
To minimise the adverse effects of drought on production of crops and livestock and productivity of land, water and human resources ultimately leading to drought proofing of the affected areas.
Twenty Point Program
Poverty eradication and raising the standard of living.
 National Institution for Rural Development
Training, investigation and advisory organization for rural development 
 National Rural Employment Programme (NREP)
To provide profitable employment opportunities to the rural poor 
 Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA)
To provide suitable opportunities of self-employment to the women belonging to the rural families who are living below the poverty line.
 Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme (RLEGP)
For providing employment to landless farmers and labourers 
 National Fund for Rural Development (NFRD)
To grant 100% tax rebate to donors and also to provide financial assistance for rural development projects. 
 Council for Advancement of People's Actions and Rural Technology (CAPART)
To provide assistance for rural prosperity. 
Service Area Account (SAA)
A new credit policy for rural areas
Jawahar Rozgar Yojana
For providing employment to rural unemployed.
Agriculture and Rural Debt Relief Scheme (ARDRS)
To exempt bank loans up to Rs. 10,000 of rural artisans and weavers.
Supply of Improved Toolkits to Rural Artisans
To supply modern toolkits to the rural craftsmen except the weavers, tailors, embroiders and tobacco labourers who are living below the poverty line.
District Rural Development Agency (DRDA)
To provide financial assistance for rural development.
Mahila Samridhi Yojana
To encourage the rural women to deposit in Post Office Saving Account.
Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana
For eliminating rural poverty and unemployment and promoting self-employment.
Indira Awaas Yojana
To help construction of new dwelling units as well as conversion of unserviceable kutcha houses into pucca/semi-pucca by members of SC/STs, freed bonded labourers and also non-SC/ST rural poor below the poverty line by extending them grant-in-aid.
Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana
To fulfil basic requirements in rural areas.
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)
To line all villages with pakka road
Annapurna Scheme
To ensure food security for all create a hunger free India in the next five years and to reform and improve the Public Distribution System so as to serve the poorest of the poor in rural and urban areas.
Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana
To provide additional wage employment in the rural areas as also food security, along with the creation of durable community, social and economic infrastructure in rural areas.
Bharat Nirman Program 
Development of Rural Infrastructure including six components: irrigation, Water supply, Housing, Road, Telephone and Electricity.
National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGA)
To provide at least 100 days wage employment in rural areas.
National Livelihood Mission
To reduce poverty among rural BPL by promoting diversified and gainful self-employment and wage employment opportunities which would lead to an appreciable increase in income on sustainable basis?
Pradhanmantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAGY)
Integrated development of scheduled castes dominated villages in the country.
National Rural Livelihood Mission
Scheme is focused on promoting self-employment and organization of rural poor. The basic idea behind this programme is to organize the poor into SHG (Self Help Groups) groups and make them capable for self-employment.
National Food Security Scheme (National Food Security Act)
Aims to provide subsidized food grains to approximately two thirds of India's 1.2 billion people.
In the above list of Rural Development Programmes in India will increase the general knowledge of the readers.  


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